Zusammen Zuhören #8 – Playlist
During the final Zusammen Zuhören in this edition of COLLECTIVE PRACTICES, we listened to the following songs and tracks together, without knowing anything about them, and shared what each of…
During the final Zusammen Zuhören in this edition of COLLECTIVE PRACTICES, we listened to the following songs and tracks together, without knowing anything about them, and shared what each of…
Thursday, 14 January 2021, 7:30 - 10:30 pm CET (3 hours) online How do we listen? Which words do we use to describe our experience of music and sound? How…
This is the playlist of the 7th edition of our collective practice of listening to music together, and sharing our different impressions, associations and ways of listening. Each participant brings…
Listening to music together in a small group of people. Each participant brings a track they care about. All in their homes, with their bodies connected through the shared experience…
Each of the songs was brought by a participant because they care about it in some way. We listened together and shared impressions, associations, thoughts and references afterwards. We connected…
Each song or track was brought by a participant in the group and means something to them. We listened together and appreciated the nuances and details in each others ways…
In the summer, Zusammen Zuhören takes place in person, in the ACUD courtyard. The upcoming music listening and discussion group will take place on Tuesday, 15 September, 5 - 8…
This is the list of songs that we listened to during Zusammen Zuhören #3 - this time sitting together physically in a circle, on a hot (and a bit rainy)…