Lukas Dubro

Lukas Dubro is a Berlin-based journalist and publisher. He studied Angewandte Literaturwissenschaft at Freie Universität Berlin. In 2017 he started “Kapsel”–the first magazine dedicated to science fiction literature from China…

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Colin Self

Colin Self
Image: Colin Self

Colin Self is an artist and composer based in Berlin Germany. They create and instigate music, performances and environments for expanding consciousness and troubling boundaries and binaries of perception and communication.…

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The Incredible Edible Akynos

The Incredible Edible Akynos
Image: PJ Starr

Akynos is the founder of the Black Sex Worker Collective, author, performance artist, and an educator in the fields of sexuality, HIV, and rights. As the current director of the…

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Image: Jacqueline Thomas Loaiza

DJ, documentary maker and radio host, Juba has steadily built a reputation as one of Berlin's foremost champions music from Africa and the African diaspora. A child of the UK’s…

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